Tuesday 20 January 2015

Radio times

I was seven when television started in Australia but we didn't get one in our home until I was about ten. In my formative years home entertainment was sitting around a radio receiver every evening listening to serials and musical programs. Our imagination was a powerful tool with mental pictures of what was being portrayed in the serials forming in our minds.

I remember how my illusions of these seemingly life like serials evaporated when we went to a radio studio one day to see a serial being broadcast. I saw the reality of actors standing over a microphone with some bald headed man on the side creating the sound effects for doors closing, rain falling and the like. It was like learning the truth about Santa Claus.

Radio plays a different role in our lives nowadays and it is more difficult to win over listener imagination. Modern television and film and astonishing developments in computerised effects mean we are much more cynical and less easily deceived.

There is an advertisement currently broadcast on morning radio for a health service in Sydney specialising in depression. It is a serious matter. The advertisement depicts an apparently young groom tearfully talking about his young bride's depression. Even allowing for the obvious, the knowledge that this is an advertisement, the groom's tearful disclosure just doesn't ring true to me.

I suppose its all in the ear of the beholder but this is one message my imagination hasn't bought.


  1. Without seeing the ad, I will trust your judgement and conclude it is a very poor ad. With all the money that is spent on ads, I would have thought they could get them right. Not sure that I care for such commercialism of a medical matter either.

    1. Andrew, we used to hear lots of advertisements for erectile dysfunction without that phrase actually used but now its these advertisements for depression.

  2. wow it is great time and children were much more intelligent than now with all electronic devices

    1. I have very fond memories of those radio days, Gosia.
