Tuesday 4 March 2008

Hospital vigil....cockney ironing

The sixth day by my mother's bedside at the hospital. I was encouraged on my arrival this morning to find her sitting on the bedside chair for the first time since her admission last Thursday evening and that she was looking more clear-eyed than for a few weeks.

The Doctor told me her heart rate had returned to normal. She was to undergo an ultrasound later in the day to determine the exact location of the fluid on her chest which would then be drained. It turned out to be hours before that procedure. In the meantime various nurses monitored her vital signs and it was interesting to compare their bedside manners. Some were excellent and easily achieved my mother's cooperation. One nurse was businesslike and my mother responded coolly to her style completely sabotaging her every attempt to monitor blood pressure.

I left after five hours at the hospital. I find it quite draining spending that amount of time in the hospital environment. Driving home I stopped by the gourmet chicken place in Queen Street to pick up something for dinner as I was not in any mood to cook. Waiting in the queue I changed my mind about what to purchase three times eventually settling on a couple of chicken schnitzels and some fried rice. Not the healthiest dinner choice. Had I spent any more time in that queue I probably would have ended up with a fifth or sixth choice.

My relief at arriving home was immediately spoiled by the sight of the ironing I had left out for my return. I'd completely forgotten about it during the day and wasn't in any mood to attack it then and there. After dinner I girded my loins and got into the ironing. I used the English soap 'Eastenders' as background buzz. Its been months since I watched an episode and I wasn't really sure what this episode was about but I have to recommend 'Eastenders' as a perfect background foil to ironing. I sailed through the ironing in no time at all and was really pleased it was done.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a firm believer that housework is the best way to forget about stress.
