Saturday 20 September 2008

Overcoming jealousy

I finally got around to visiting Mk in the apartment he has moved into with Rs. This was months after the first invitation to tea to celebrate (with Mk's other friends) the big move which I shamefacedly avoided because I was too mean spirited to expose myself to their joy.

At that time, I was jealous.

A ridiculous thing because even then I was well over Mk as a possible love interest and not into Rs either.

This invitation was to make up for that missed opportunity and also to enable Mk and I to work out our subscription to the Sydney Theatre Company for its 2009 season.

Mk and Rs were gracious hosts. I brought a cake and they provided an excellent coffee. I was relieved that the earlier jealousy pangs had subsided. I took in images of their domestic bliss (romantic sideboard photos, loving glances exchanged by the 'newlyweds', the slide show of their shared travel experiences, the double bedroom etc) without that fateful feeling of my stomach knotting.

Thankfully I didn't sense that newlyweds' attitude of pity for the single man left behind that I have sometimes experienced with straight friends after they have married.

I can move on.

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