Wednesday 9 November 2011

Body of work

You know how those who vote for the Academy Awards (am I supposed to display a copyright symbol here?) sometimes grace a performer with an Oscar (another copyright symbol?) for their 'body of work' rather than for the actual performance nominated? You don't know it? Well, take it from me that the ubiquitous 'everyone' knows it.

This man... Brett Ratner, a film director. He was selected to produce next year's Academy Awards ceremony (I know, I know) and he resigned from the gig this week after making a perceived gay slur. What was the slur? He said something to the effect that 'rehearsing is for fags'.

Looking into the matter further; ie trawling the internet late at night, I conclude that Mr Ratner has landed in trouble for his body of work as much as for that single utterance. In evidence I submit the article setting out Mr Ratner's ten offensive quotes. I think this gives us a feel for the 'style' of the man.

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