Friday 16 December 2011

I'm ready for my blue screen Mr De Mille

Blue screen

It took a team of workers about four days last week to construct the massive scaffolding that now covers the thirteen stories of the south western corner of my building. This is preparatory work for the replacement of external brickwork. You can see a small piece of orange plastic in the upper right. That is one of the locations from where bricks either fell loose or were removed some weeks back in other preparatory activity.

A full week passed by from the completion of the scaffold construction with no work evident (to me) of brick replacement in the subsequent days. Then today I returned home to find this blue screen erected on the outside of the scaffold.

This view of it is from my dining room, six floors up from the ground level, looking through my new but now very dusty dining room window. You can see the outside world through the window dust and blue screen. Standing outside the building, however, the blue screen appears far denser and not transparent.

What do you think the screen protects? The workers, when they do appear, from the sun? Loose items from falling to the ground below where people and cars are still active? Any other suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Your place must have taken on a very blue hue. So many blue jokes and so little time.
