Saturday 24 March 2012

Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk*

(* 'Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk' by Rufus Wainwright)

I'm sure these are not on the menu at Australian chef Matt Moran's new restaurant Chiswick located only minutes from my home. Anyone who follows Moran's Twitter account will have noticed a stream of celebrity endorsements for the new venture.

Moran's restaurant restores a restaurant to the small park - well a garden really - years after the previous restaurant on the site closed. As a child I was invited to numerous birthday parties for class mates at that site probably because our school at the time was almost literally around the corner. Never a party there for me, however, as my parents could not have afforded to stage an equivalent event for me.

I was wondering whether anyone other than these celebrities was dining at the new restaurant and in yesterday's walk I passed by for a look/see. I was not expecting to see many customers mainly because it was 3.20pm on a Friday.

To my surprise the place was packed. The doors of the northern end of the restaurant were open to take advantage of yesterday's beautiful weather and my picture from that end (taken from a discreet distance)     gives an indication of how well patronised it was.

Looks like Moran has a hit on his hands.


  1. Check back in one year's time and see how it is going. A celeb chef has a cafe opposite us. Initially you couldn't get near the place for a Sunday breakfast. While it is still busy at times, its opening hours have been much reduced.

  2. Andrew: I'm sure you are correct. The A list needs new diversions every week.

  3. An hour or so later, three fire trucks are outside the restaurant. False alarm I think.
