Wednesday 17 April 2013

Mad about the man? I don't think so.

I have watched 'Mad Men' from the outset and the latest series is currently on Pay television. The leading character, Don Draper, is played by Jon Hamm who has quite a reputation for sex appeal. I don't see that appeal myself. Yes he looks rather good in this photograph I have posted from Google Images but I think the image is rather flattering compared with his general appearance. Dressed in a suit in the television series he looks OK but to my mind not distinctively attractive. Then there are the scenes when he is shirtless and the series misses no opportunity to have him in that state. That is when he loses any pretensions to sex appeal as far as I'm concerned.

Mr Draper, a married man in the series, is a ladies man. He has a wandering eye. Actually it is a lower piece of his anatomy that does the wandering if you get my drift. In the most recent episode Draper is bedding the wife of a downstairs neighbour to the point that dressed in business suit and hat and with bag in tow he pops in on his way to work for a morning session of rumpy pumpy. If I were in the position of bedding a downstairs neighbour whilst in transit to work I'm sure I would remove all my clothing before hopping into bed. Afterwards I doubt I'd go to the trouble of putting my underpants back on then returning to the bed for post-coital spooning before the time arrived for me to get dressed and resume my trip to work. Yet that is effectively what was portrayed this week.

Each to their own.


  1. Don't think much of him, even though I didn't know who he is. Thought I better google him. Makes him a bit more interesting.

  2. Actually I had forgotten about Hamm's reputation in the anatomy department, Andrew. Thanks for reminding me. Hamm must be one of those people who photographs better than their live appearance. He looks good in a lot of photos, especially dressed, but I rarely find him attractive in the television series.

  3. And they call us gay guys the promiscuous ones.

  4. There are a few actors out there that I just don't see the attraction for me Mark Wahlberg comes to mind as a movie star I just don't see it. Bland comes to mind.

  5. disco - I think Wahlberg's attraction was his body when he was younger otherwise I agree his looks are unremarkable. It is some of the attitudes he has expressed over the years that I believe have made Wahlberg unattractive to many in the gay community.
