Wednesday 4 September 2013


I'm left handed but no one who knows me would argue with conviction that I am left leaning politically. I live in the electorate of Wentworth. My postcode is mentioned annually as Australia's richest suburb according to the Australian Taxation Office but I can assure you that my contribution to that wealth is modest to a degree. Our Federal representative is Malcolm Turnbull whose antecedents as a Merchant Banker mean that he is regularly portrayed in cartoons wearing a top hat such is his image as a 'toff'.

So, I and my electorate would be to the right politically. Right? No, that's wrong! Who says? The Australian Broadcasting Corporation's excellent Vote Compass site says. More than a million Australians have used Vote Compass - I'm one of them - and its findings about Australia's political complexions are fascinating.

Almost unbelievably, my electorate of Wentworth is the tenth most left leaning of Australia's 150 electorates.

Electorate of Wentworth

Six of the nine electorates that are more left leaning than mine are so far to the left they are almost in North Korea, so it astonishes me that we sit so far to the left in the overall spectrum. My own results on the Vote Compass survey apparently contribute to our placement.

In the predicted lurch to the right in next Saturday's election, this toffy, rich, left leaning, latte sipping, chardonnay drenched electorate will do its best to stay left. Well, our sort of left, anyway.


  1. It's all those gays, you know. They are known to be lefties. Unfortunately I think the less politically astute will vote for their favourite left candidate, Malcolm.

  2. I see your profile and raise it (and a bit to the left as well) here.

  3. Not much competition for Malcolm, we've received almost no pre-poll electoral material from the non-coalition candidates Andrew apart from one flyer from the Greens. Yet again no flyer received so far from Labor.
