Sunday 17 May 2015

Mad Max: Fury Road

This is one idea of the planet of the future, Earth reduced to rock and sand. Those in control of water, women's breast milk and human blood dominate the rest who are subservient to them.

'Mad Max: Fury Road' is a two hours long road chase. For three quarters of its length a small group of escapees are pursued by the dominants and then they turn around to chase each back over the same route for the final quarter. Dialogue is minimal. The action is loud, long and relentless interspersed by the occasional moment of supreme stillness which comes as a blessed, if brief, relief.

This film has received rave reviews from seemingly everyone. It is not my type of film yet I have to concede it is constructed very well, it is visually fascinating and it held my interest throughout which is more than I can say for others of its genre.

My ears rang for hours afterwards.

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