Saturday 23 April 2016

Jennifer McGrath

WARNING: This post contains an expletive.

I've been receiving daily emails from a person (business or bot?) using the name in the heading. I sense the sender is using the email connected with this blog and therefore may have been a reader.

The emails read;

There is a fine line between good service and being a pain, I sent you through an email a few days ago in regard to organizing a time to chat about your business and to see if online marketing could be a viable option for your business.

Understanding you are busy, I wanted to ascertain if you were interested in having a chat?

The fact that I have not replied to a single one of your emails (sent daily, not a few days apart as suggested in the emails) should be sufficient message that I am not in the slightest interested in chatting with you.

If Jennifer McGrath is reading this post then my message to you is.........fuck off.


  1. it is also possible that the computer used by Jennifer McGrath has been compromised by someone else and is being used to send SPAM as part of a bot net.

    Still, it would be very annoying to be on the receiving end!

